About Us
We provide you the best experience with our Temporary Home colour TV , an environment support with our air conditioner, and some storage that helps you to keep your food save and fresh .

Our Vision
Our vision to take you to the next level of experience here with our whole family of northern motel, we bring you smiles on your face thats not easy to find and we enable you to live your life fullest here , for your meetings , stay , livelihood, environment and many more that’s brings joy to our people in our motel.
Our Mission
Our mission is very essential for us towards our clients that we can make them happy with our great services and the best experience that our clients have in our motel, a passage that brings you joy and comfort as you were in your own home, and this is very important for us to make our clients feel as they are at their home not just at hotel, and our family will welcomes you with full of grace and empathy, and it will provide support to our clients to take their self to next level in experience like home